Karma Koated Luxury Candles

Karma /ˈkärmə/: a word meaning action, work or deed.  Good intent and good deeds contribute to good karma and happier rebirths, while bad intent and bad deeds contribute to bad karma and bad rebirths. 

At Karma Koated we believe in giving good to receive good back in return. By good I mean that all of our products are handmade through a labor of love to provide an everyday luxurious experience.

Give good…get good, that's how karma works!

Live Light Love

Meet the Maker

Hello and welcome! My name is Dareisha, the one woman show behind Karma Koated Luxury Candles. Founded in 2020, Karma Koated began as a simple hobby during quarantine but evolved into a business showcasing my passion for self love. While on my self discovery journey, I chose to make the bold decision to stop simply existing and start living unapologetically. Loving myself and in turn loving others on a deeper level, embracing the power of positivity. I have built a brand focusing on spreading good energy therefore, spreading good karma. My hopes are to inspire, impact, and encourage.

Good Karma, Pass it on!